OFF THE RECORD: Commenter Nails Gubernatorial Candidate ‘La Raza Randy’

Tennessee Star


Tennessee Star readers are the bomb when it comes to creative, but fact-anchored monikers for Tennessee’s public figures.

Yesterday’s story about gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd and his quarter of a million dollar donation to a Nashville La Raza affiliate while still not dissing Metro Nashville for wanting to formally become the MOST LIBERAL SANCTUARY CITY IN THE U.S., seems to have inspired a Tennessee Star reader to comment on our story Monday, “Gubernatorial Candidate Randy Boyd Donated $250,000 to La Raza Affiliate And Has Not Renounced Nashville Sanctuary City Ordinance,” that “La Raza Randy . . . shows his real colors.”

So now, “La Raza Randy” joins “Boss Doss” in our list of favorite fact-anchored monikers, because public figures aren’t entitled to be insulated from ridicule for the decisions they may ultimately wish they hadn’t made.

The Tennessee Star is in the business of reporting FACTS. Unfortunately, we can’t help it if the FACTS show that when Boyd made his $250,000 donation, “the single largest individual gift” to the coffers of a named La Raza affiliate the founder and director of the Nashville organization was also already…. the Chairman of the Board of….La Raza!

“La Raza Randy”? Sort of rolls off your tongue.


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2 Thoughts to “OFF THE RECORD: Commenter Nails Gubernatorial Candidate ‘La Raza Randy’”

  1. […] this little ditty which arrived via The Tennessee Star tip line. After reading The Ballad of La Raza Randy, it’s only natural to wonder if and when the ode to “Mayor Moonbeam Megan Barry” […]

  2. Dwayne

    Randy Boyd is the RINO the GOP is pushing. He’s WAY worse than Haslam. Mae Beavers is the best BY FAR!!
